If you want to straighten your teeth quickly, and live in the Calabasas area, we encourage you to call (818) 591-2480 and schedule an appointment to discuss Fastbraces. At Calabasas Dental Care, we are using this innovative procedure to improve our patients' smiles in a way that is incredibly fast and convenient.
Fastbraces is a Better Option
For people who have malocclusion, that is crooked teeth, the idea of straightening teeth often involves needing to go through a long process with braces. However, what if there was a solution that would allow you to rectify your malocclusion without having to struggle with braces for years? The reality is that modern technology has finally caught up with braces. Fastbraces works just as well as the traditional form of braces, but in a way that allows your teeth to be straightened much more quickly. While this is a new and improved technology, it has been around for decades and Fastbraces have existed for roughly 20 years. This process has been effectively used in roughly 30 countries around the world. The difference between braces and Fastbraces is that Fastbraces get your teeth straight in a much quicker and shorter period of time, while braces can take years to make a difference. Therefore, as an adult, who wants to straighten your teeth, your best option is this new solution.
The Technology
This improved technology allows you to straighten your teeth at our Calabasas office without having to go through years of having metal in your mouth. With that in mind, is important to take a look at some of the differences between old traditional braces, and this new technology. The most significant difference is in the brackets that are boned to the surface of your teeth. With traditional braces, the brackets are square and teeth are moved in multiple stages. Depending on how many stages of movement the teeth need to go through, this treatment option can take years. Fastbraces uses triangular brackets instead. In this way, the space in between each bracket is less which allows for the teeth to come together more quickly. Essentially, all of the stages of treatment are completed at one time, rather than more slowly and in stages. Our patients appreciate this aspect of the treatment. The other difference with the technology comes down to the wires that are used. In this case, square wire is used and this allows for there to be more flexibility. Instead of needing to have wires adjusted constantly, the flexibility of these wires make it possible for the movement of your teeth to become more fluid. As a result, we can upright the roots starting at the beginning stages of the procedure. On the other hand, with traditional braces there are multiple wires that are constantly being adjusted, which causes discomfort in the mouth.
Calabasas Fastbraces are Comfortable
Even though Fastbraces can straighten your teeth more quickly, the fact that the wires are more flexible makes the procedure incredibly comfortable. In fact, most of our patients are surprised by how much more comfortable they actually are. To discuss this in greater detail, call 818-591-2480 and schedule an appointment with our dental office.
Timeframe for Straightening Your Teeth
The most important difference between traditional braces and Fastbraces is that traditional braces can take eighteen months to two years to work, while our solution can straighten your teeth in as little as a few weeks or a few months. As a result, Fastbraces typically have a lower cost than traditional braces.
Beyond the Science
Fastbraces have managed to successfully merge science and art. With superb quality and today's technology working together and a patented triangular bracket, Fastbraces are the easiest quickest and most comfortable way to straighten your teeth as an adult or as a teenager. The one thing we know is that many of our Calabasas patients do not want to have years and years of treatment. This is where Fastbraces come into their own. Fastbraces are a pleasure to wear. They are comfortable and they are user-friendly.
There are other elements to consider when you're comparing traditional braces to this new solution. One of the first things that our Calabasas patients should be aware of is that with traditional braces there are often reports of discomfort. This should not be surprising, as any parent with a child wearing braces will tell you, the traditional metal braces tend to be abrasive on the gums and they can lead to some levels of discomfort as regular adjustments are made. On the other hand, when you are using Fastbraces, we have found that there is a significant reduction in the amount of discomfort. Also, when you consider how quickly they are straightening teeth, the potential of them wearing down on the gums, or you getting cavities or sores, is significantly reduced. Another important factor to consider is that as an adult, statistically, there's less resorption of the root. Resorption is a natural process that occurs constantly in the mouth. However, if you are an adult you do not want your roots to go through resorption, this is another reason to consider using Fastbraces in CA.